Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Cheese & Crackers

Thanks to Foodbuzz Tastemakers I got some cheese :) I don't know about you, but I love cheese..who doesn't?  Do you ever have those days when you just want to snack all day? Please tell me I'm not the only one who does this.  Since I love to snack and I love cheese what's better than cheese and crackers?

When I was little my mom would make me a pretty little plate of cheese and crackers for an after school snack.  What is it about someone else making you something that makes it taste better? When I make myself a snack it just doesn't taste as good as when Mama made it for me.

I made myself some cheese and crackers and it was GREAT!  This isn't my first time trying Sargento brand cheese, I buy it any time I have a coupon actually.  I really like it much better than the regular "American" processed cheese.  I never really thought there was much difference until I tried real cheese and then my world was changed.  In fact, I don't use the processed stuff anymore because it's just an inferior product-it's all waxy in texture and just doesn't taste like real cheese.  
Muenster & Colby Jack cheese
The next time you need something good to snack on just pick up some Sargento cheese and crackers and make yourself a little plate of goodness, like Mama use to :) Or make yourself a Steve-a-Rino

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