Tuesday, January 3, 2012

2012: A New Year & Weekend Ramblings

I cannot believe 2011 is gone and 2012 is here! YIKES!!! Where did the year go? Steve was off all last week so this weekend we tried to take in the last few moments of relaxation we could. Saturday we had friends over to watch the basketball game.  For those of you not from Kentucky, "the basketball game" means The University of Kentucky. We took Greta for a walk and just hung around the house most of the weekend, it was great!

Here are some photos I took:
Although we didn't watch the ball drop on New Years, I was actually awake when it turned 2012! This is quite an accomplishment because I can't tell you the last time I was up to ring in the new year, it was sometime back in college. On Sunday Steve built me a diffusion panel. I've been complaining that I had no way to take photos of dinner because it's dark when I get off work and without any natural light, my photos are just garbage.  Luckily, Taylor had just posted about a cheap way to take photos with artificial light. 
In the above picture, the hubs is putting the final touches (hot glue) on my diffusion panel. He even thought to make little legs on the bottom so I don't have to prop the panel, YAY! I'm very excited to use my new panel and halogen light and I'll be sure to let you all know how it works out. I didn't have vellum that was suggested on Taylor Takes a Taste so I used muslin cloth. The pup wasn't too thrilled that both her parents were working on a project that didn't involve her and when we were done this is what we found:
Silly girl, she isn't allow on the couch.  Funny how she's so sweet when she's doing something she shouldn't be. I hope everyone had a safe and happy New Year and I'm looking forward to sharing lots of new recipes....starting tomorrow!

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