Wednesday, November 2, 2011

26 & Le Creuset Giveaway

Today is my birthday, the big 26!  I'm neither happy nor sad about it really, it's just another day.  Do you remember being little, well really any age before 20 and getting so excited about your birthday? I do!  My mom would wake me up with a kiss and tell me Happy Birthday. My dad would leave me a note on the kitchen table and all me later in the day-he left for work well before I woke each morning.  If it was a school day, we usually had cupcakes and my class would sing Happy Birthday.  I would go home to a house full of family and a few friends and have more cake and open gifts.  When you're young your birthday is the second most exciting day of the year, second only to Christmas morning.

Then you turn 20, and birthdays aren't so fun.  You're getting older and the gifts you receive are usually better or at least cost more but you don't get the same excitement as you did when you were younger and opened a box with a new teddy bear or cassette tape you'd been wanting for months.  Instead, you get things like socks because yours have holes or new bed pillows because you haven't gotten a new one since middle school and you don't want to spend your money are such things.  Or better, you get a coat, a watch, or pair of expensive shoes you've been wanting but didn't have the money for.  I often went out to dinner with friends had a great meal and the waiters sing and embarrass you.

I guess birthdays are still fun but the last six years have only been a reminder that time keeps marching on and I swear it's speeding up! I remember my first day of school like it was just last month, my first day of high school, driving a car for the first time (with a license), college orientation, college graduation, buying my first home, my wedding, all feels like it was just a few moments ago.  How can I be 26 already? I know I'm still young but sometimes I feel old, know what I mean? I guess what I'm trying to say, in a long, drawn out way, is that I wish I could get the same excitement for my birthday that I got when I was "young"-maybe you can get excited because today I'm giving away one of these:

A Le Creuset pie dish in cobalt blue :) Here's how to enter:


Leave a comment below telling me your favorite birthday gift.

For additional entries:

1. Like Meagan's First Kitchen on facebook, come back and leave a separate comment. If you already like my page, just leave that in the comments

2. Share this giveaway on your facebook page or blog, come back and leave a separate comment.

3. Become a follower of Meagan's First Kitchen, leave a separate comment to let me know you're a follower.

****Make sure you leave separate comments for each entry****

Giveaway is only open to those living in the United States

Giveaway will end 10:00 PM (eastern time) on Tuesday, November 8th.

Disclaimer: This giveaway is sponsored by me and me alone :)

****Also, it may look like your comments are not showing up but they are coming through to me, so if they don't show up, no worries-I am getting them and keeping track for the giveaway****

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