Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Chocolate Caramel Cheesecake

Steve's Birthday was last Thursday and he requested a cheesecake.  I bought The Gourmet Cookbook (for $7.00!!!!!) and had been wanting to make something from it so this was the perfect opportunity.  Let me just tell you that purchasing this cookbook was the best $7.00 I have EVER spent! I should also mention, this is the only thing I've made from the cookbook so far :)  That's just how good this cheesecake was!
I don't reccommend cutting too large a slice, you won't be able to eat it.  This cheesecake is so decadent and rich..just a sliver is enough to satisfy, although in about an hour you'll want another piece :)  Next time you need to make something special for someone special, try this cheesecake!  

I was so impressed with the ease of the recipe, I cannot wait to try many more from The Gourmet Cookbook.  The day it came in the mail, I spent my whole evening flipping through the 935 pages of recipes, writing down all the ones that I felt were a "must try".  I'm glad this cheesecake was the first, but it certainly won't be the last!  I think the price has went up to about $15.00 on but I would gladly purchase it at that price.  My only negative on the cookbook is that there aren't any photos :( I really love photos but I understand why they couldn't photograph every recipe, the book would be 1000's of pages.  
Chocolate Caramel Cheesecake 
Printable Recipe 
Source: Gourmet Cookbook pg. 757 (cheesecake only)

Chocolate Graham Crust*:

1 cup finely chopped chocolate graham crackers
4 tbsp (1/2 stick) unsalted butter, melted
1/4 cup sugar

Combine all ingredients

Press mixture into bottom of 9-inch spring form pan and about 1-inch up the sides of pan

Place in refrigerator until ready to use

*This is my crust recipe, there is a regular crust recipe in the Gourmet Cookbook

Cheesecake Ingredients:

1 cup sugar
3/4 cup heavy cream
8 ounces bittersweet chocolate, finely chopped
1/2 cup sour cream
3 (8 oz) packages cream cheese, softened
4 large eggs
1 tsp vanilla extract


Put rack in middle of oven and preheat to 350 degrees F.

Cook sugar in a dry heavy-bottom sauce pan (3 1/2-4 qt pan) on medium low heat.  Stirring slowly with a fork, cook until melted and pale golden.

Continue to cook without stirring, swirling the pan occasionally, until deep golden. 

Immediately remove pan from heat and carefully add heavy cream.  Mixture will steam and caramel will harden.

Cook over medium low heat, stirring until caramel is dissolved. 

Remove from heat and whisk in chocolate until smooth.

Add sour cream.
yummy chocolate/caramel sauce

Beat cream cheese in stand mixture (or with hand-held) until fluffy.

Reduce speed to low and add chocolate mixture. 

Add eggs, one at a time and scrape down bowl as needed.

Add in vanilla extract.

Pour mixture until spring form pan and bake 55 minutes or until edges are set, the middle will still be a little wobbly.

Run a thin knife around the edges to loosen cake then place on wire rack to cool completely.

Cover loosely with plastic wrap and put in refrigerator at least 6 hours. 

Remove side of pan and transfer to cake plate, serve.

This cake will keep covered in refrigerator up to 1 week, but I doubt it will last that long!


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