Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Garden Update

My garden is doing really well.  My Italian parsley is really rompin' and my tomato plants had to be cut back they were beginning to take over my pepper plants.  Actually, one of my pepper plants hasn't grown an inch since I planted them so Steve moved it for me in hopes that it will grow.  My thyme isn't doing well and I don't really know why.  Last year I had thyme in a pot and didn't tend to it often and it grew very well.  However, this year it's not doing anything. Not sure what that's all about?

So far I haven't had any ripe tomatoes but there are probably 20 or more tomatoes on the plant just waiting to get a little bigger and ripen.  I also have two peppers on my bell pepper plant-VERY EXCITED!! My basil is also doing pretty good and I've already made two batches of pesto!

Here are some pictures:

Italian parsley

Sweet Basil

thyme :(

relocated pepper plant



looking good

cute little one
How are your gardens doin'?

tired puppy!

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