Sunday, April 17, 2011

New Cookbooks

I won a Barnes & Noble gift card at Steve's work Christmas party this year and forgot about it until last week-when I cleaned out  my wallet; what a great surprise!  There were two cookbooks I had been wanting and when I saw how dirt cheap they were I got both of them and a 3rd and it only costs me $8.00 of my own money :) I haven't made anything from them yet but it won't be long and I'm sure I will be sharing some goodies on here.  Don't know if any of you like cookbooks but I am a bit of a collector, and not just cookbooks, books in general.  I'm ashamed to say I have NEVER used my local library to check out books, for some reason I have this "need" to own them and have them placed on my bookshelf.  I don't mind lending out my books, as long as the borrower knows it must be returned :) Anywho, here's my loot:

I have read rave-reviews on this

Can you see that price tag? $9.00!!!!

Only $6.00!!!
I had been coveting the "Artisan Bread in 5 Minutes a Day" book after reading about it on several food blogs and the "Frame by Frame Baking" was featured on a few blogs as well, "The Organic Seasonal Cookbook" was too cheap to pass up and it has some great looking pictures! I'm all about the pictures.  The only thing I don't LOVE about the bread cookbook is that there isn't a picture with every recipe :)  I love a good deal and when it comes to books, especially cookbooks, you can NEVER have too many!  I can't wait to put these to good use and share some recipes with y'all. 

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