Sunday, April 10, 2011

Get Spring Started Giveaway!

I don't know about you guys but I am so ready for Spring! It's been far too cold here in Kentucky this winter.  So I am very excited about the warmer weather.  I'm really looking forward to planting a small garden in my back yard so I can have my own fresh produce :) Do you any of you have plans for a garden?

It's GIVEAWAY time!
I love cloth napkins and when I saw these I thought they would make a cute little gift for a giveaway.  I also found a matching oven mitt and pot holder to go along with them.  This giveaway includes:

1 oven mitt
1 pot holder
12 napkins

I love the fresh green color of these and they definitely put me in the mood for spring cooking!

Leave a comment on this post by answering the question:  What's your favorite spring-time activity?

For extra entries:  become a follower of my blog, post this giveaway on your blog or a facebook post. 

For each extra entry, please leave an additional comment!

Giveaway will end Friday, April 15th at 10:00 PM  

I will announce the winner (chosen at random) Saturday, April 16th! GOOD LUCK :)

*The winner needs to email me with their shipping information by April 18th, 10:00 PM or another winner will chosen.


  1. I love taking walks with my almost 2 year old! He loves the weather and being outside!

  2. I love reading outside which causes me to take a lil cat nap, then I wake up with a lil color on my skin!

  3. and I love walking in the spring! my roommates and i have taken to early evening exercise by walking 3 miles a day!

  4. I enjoy bbq'ing with family or taking walks outside when it's pretty! I love Spring! And your blog! I'm a follower!

  5. Saw people say that they followed your blog, wasn't sure if I needed to state that or not! But I am :) Found you through your sister-in-law Britney!

  6. My favorite springtime activity is playing tennis! :)

  7. Taking Molly for a walk then sleeping with the windows open.

  8. I just love getting to have the windows open...until the allergies kick in! And of course cooking out and having friends over! Love the blog...great job!
    --Angela Stephens :)

  9. I love to plant flowers. To finally get my hands in the soil after the long winter is something I look forward to way before Spring even arrives. Gardening is my ultimate relaxation.
    I'm new to your blog and am loving it.


  10. I love to go golfing, go to the park, basically anything that keeps me outside in the beautiful weather!

  11. Also I posted this on facebook!

  12. I love taking walks with my 1 and 1/2 year old and grilling out on the back deck!

  13. i love my sons baseball

    Kris in mn

  14. My new favorite spring time activity is long walks through thte neighborhood with my hubby and sweet puppy Mable.

  15. I'm a follower and would love to win this giveaway! Green is my favorite color!

  16. I love that the earth renews itself!

    Tonia G

  17. I follow google connect "anash"
    Thank you kindly.
    anashct [at] yahoo [dot] com

  18. I blogged your giveaway:
    anashct [at] yahoo [dot] com

  19. My favorite spring activity is bike riding!!
    Thanks for this splendid giveaway
    anashct [at] yahoo [dot] com

  20. extra comment! i love baking desserts and pie most of all!!
    anashct [at] yahoo [dot] com
