About Me

Hi! I'm Meagan, the author of "Meagan's First Kitchen" here's a tid-bit about me and my family......

I come from a long line of amazing southern-style cooks (both my Grandmothers and Mother are talented in the kitchen), my love for food and cooking did not start until I got married. I first got hooked on Food Network and then a friend suggested a food blog and I began reading many blogs that inspired me to try amazing recipes- some that have resulted in favorite meals and others that ended in utter tragedy.  I have come a long way in the kitchen in just a short amount of time and I look forward to sharing my experiences with you.  I wanted to start this blog as a way to keep track of my recipes, accomplishments and disasters in the kitchen and look forward to the journey ahead.

I graduated from the University of Kentucky in 2008 with a bachelors degree in Psychology, and History minor.  In the fall of 2009 I married the man of my dreams and best friend, Stephen.
 The day we returned from our amazing honeymoon in St. Lucia we picked up the first addition to our family.  Our dog, Greta is such a joy to our family and I cannot imagine life without her.  Although we do not have children yet, we treat her as if she's a human (I believe she too thinks she's human).
the day we brought her home
1st Birthday, looking miserable

I would love to hear from you, your comments, thoughts, and constructive criticism are welcome! Just be nice :)
 email me: